‼️The Problem We Solve

"Bitrate: Where Your Bandwidth Builds Wealth!"

Imagine a world where your unused internet bandwidth not only contributes to a decentralized internet but also earns you rewards. Welcome to Bitrate, where we're turning this vision into reality.

By participating in the PKT.CASH network as validators, we offer you Bitrate (BPS) - a unique opportunity to stake your unused bandwidth and earn a share of the profits from mining in a decentralized internet ecosystem.

Our roadmap, from 1GB to 10GB, is designed to maximize the potential of your internet connection. Most households use just 10-20% of their bandwidth capacity; Bitrate empowers you to leverage the remaining 80-90% to contribute to a decentralized internet and earn from it.

Join us in reshaping the internet landscape, one byte at a time.

Last updated